Deepika Strikes Gold, Ankita Wins Gold in Asian Archery

Indian archers Deepika Kumari and Anikita Bhakat won the gold and silver medals respectively in the women's individual recurve event of the 21st Asian Championships here on Thursday.

Bangkok, Nov 28 (PTI) Indian archers Deepika Kumari and Anikita Bhakat won the gold and silver medals respectively in the women's individual recurve event of the 21st Asian Championships here on Thursday.

Deepika defeated Ankita 6-0 in the one-sided final.

The duo had earlier secured an individual Olympic quota for the country by storming into the semifinals of the event.

Earlier in the last-four stage, Ankita got the better of Bhutan's Karma, Deepika defeated Nguyet Do Thi Anh of Vietnam.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

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