PoK People Instigated by Leaders Across LoC, Pakistan Using Them As 'Cannon Fodder', Says Lt General Ranbir Singh

Lt General Ranbir Singh made an important claim that all infiltration attempts along LoC have been foiled by the Indian Security Forces. He added that the Army has been on proactive mode which has resulted into 'complete moral ascendancy over the enemy.'

Lt General Ranbir Singh on Visit to LoC Along Rajouri. (Photo Credits: ANI)

Srinagar, September 14: Amid reports of frequent violation attempts at the LoC from across the border, General Officer Commanding in Chief of Army’s Northern Command Lt General Ranbir Singh visited forward posts of Line of Control (LoC) on Saturday. Lt General Ranbir Singh reviewed the posts in Sunderbani sector of Rajouri in Jammu and Kashmir. He made it clear in no uncertain terms that any “misadventure” on the part of Pakistan shall be given a befitting response. The Lt General also said that attempts to cross LoC has gone up as large number of leaders across LoC are trying to instigate people of Pakistan occupied Kashmir, especially since the abrogation of Article 370 and bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir on August 5 by the government of India. Pakistan is trying to use the people in PoK as cannon forder against India, said the officer. Pakistan Army Raises White Flag at LoC to Recover Bodies of Its Punjabi Soldiers Killed by Indian Army.

Lt General Ranbir Singh made an important claim that all infiltration attempts along LoC have been foiled by the Indian Security Forces. He added that the Army has been on proactive mode which has resulted into “complete moral ascendancy over the enemy.” Jammu And Kashmir: Pakistan Violates Ceasefire in Mendhar Sector of Poonch; Indian Army Retaliates Strongly.

See Pictures in the Tweet Below

Recently, the video of a operation surfaced on social media a month after the Indian Army foiled an infiltration attempt by a Pakistan's Border Action Team (BAT). The Army had neutralised the infiltrators along the Line of Control (LoC) in Keran sector of Kupwara in Jammu and Kashmir in the first week of August. The video was shared by news agency ANI on Monday, in which bodies of killed Pakistani Army regulars and terrorists could be seen lying on the LoC.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 14, 2019 04:31 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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