Move Over Boobs, Hip Cleavage Is the Latest Fashion Trend, See Pics

Showing hipbones in bikini outfits is called as the hip cleavage.

Celebrities sporting the hip cleavage (Photo credits: Instagram)

As we move and explore more into fashion, the trends only seem to be going bizarre! Say the word cleavage and one would only think of a bosom. But then, over the years we have seen the new terms of sideboob, underboob and even an overboob making into the fashion circles. While all that was not enough, the hip cleavage is the new trend that has entered the fashion zone and celebs seem to be loving it. If cleavage was associated with boobs, its time to say move over because it is now passed to the hips. So showing hipbones in bikini outfits is called as the hip cleavage.

Hips are on the trend right now and with a lot of high-leg swimwear coming into the market, the hip cleavage is only here to stay. The fabric cut around your hips, revealing your hipbones and shape is the hip cleavage. Among the many celebrities who have been putting it on display are Kim Kardashian, Bella Hadid, Emily Ratajkowski, Kylie Jenner, Ashley Graham to name a few.

Here are some of the examples of Hip Cleavage rocked by celebrities:

Kim Kardashian

Bella Hadid

Ashley Graham

Jessica Wright

Cleavage has been an area of attraction and viewed as one. Then came the parts of the breasts exposed like the lower part- the underboob, the sides- side boob and the upper part-over boob. These became common terms with fashion, describing outfits to even malfunctions. Now the obsession has moved to the lower bodies. How your outfit accentuates your hip bones is given the new term. So no more are the revealing bikini giving a view of your fuller breasts a thing, the ones showing your bare hipbones are in. 2018 has seen some of the most ridiculous fashion trends. 

Well, celebrities in bikinis have always been there. The hipbones have been seen long ago but making it a trend to obsess over, we are not so sure. What do you think about this new body trend? Would you be comfortable to rock a hip cleavage?

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 18, 2018 06:35 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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