Pimple Turns Out to be Skin Cancer: 52-year-old Woman Pops a Painful Pimple on Her Nose, Later Diagnosed With a Deadly Cancer

In order to conceal the exposed area, Michelle Davis underwent surgery to remove the malignancy. The Orewa, New Zealand woman said that she tried to squeeze the alleged pimple but nothing came out.

Nose (Representational Image; Photo Credit: Pexels)

Mumbai, May 09: While pimples are a normal occurrence, sometimes linked to hormones or brought on by exposure to dirt and pollution, in the instance of 52-year-old Michelle Davis, a pimple on the nose turned out to be a warning of a lethal malignancy.

She discovered a red lump on her nose in April 2022 and thought nothing of it until it started to itch. It fluctuated and the bleeding place would not stop till she went to the doctor. It was found to be basal cell carcinoma, a common kind of skin cancer, according to the results of the biopsy.

Michelle Davis had surgery to remove the cancer and had the skin on her nose stretched to hide the exposed region. The woman from Orewa, New Zealand said that she attempted to squeeze the purported pimple but nothing emerged. But afterwards, it continued to bleed for a week. She also mentioned how tough the pimple was.

Davis was diagnosed with cancer, and she would require surgery to have the malignancy removed. Despite having scars and strangely shaped nostrils, she recovered quickly owing to the stretching of the skin by medical professionals. However, she was more vulnerable to having skin cancer again due to her prior diagnosis.

About Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cells are where this kind of cancer develops. By minimising exposure to the sun, basal cell cancer can be avoided. Basal cells make new skin cells as the old ones die. It is essential to be aware of the early signs if this disease is to be diagnosed quickly. Early warning symptoms of skin cancer are:

  1. Scaly spots on the face and neck, as well as other sun-exposed regions
  2. Waxy skin mass that is either white or dark
  3. Raised margins define a flat, scaly patch.
  4. transparent, skin-colored lump that is shiny
  5. White, waxy lesions that resemble scars but lack definite edges

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 09, 2023 03:47 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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