Miss Universe 2022 Winner Predictions: Top 5 Favourite Contenders Who Can Win the Crown at the 71st Edition of the Beauty Pageant Final (See Pics)

Miss Universe 2023 finale will go live on Saturday, 14 January. 86 beautiful women worldwide compete against each other to win the crown. Based on different criteria we have roughly predicted the winner of the 71st edition of the beauty pageant.

Lifestyle Molly Swamy|
Miss Universe 2022 Winner Predictions: Top 5 Favourite Contenders Who Can Win the Crown at the 71st Edition of the Beauty Pageant Final (See Pics)
Divita Rai, Celeste Cortesi and Anna Sueangam (Photo Credits: Instagram)

The 71st edition of Miss Universe 2022 will be hosted in New Orleans on Saturday, January 14, 2023. The beauty pageant contest will be hosted at the Ernest N Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. This year's titleholder will be crowned by current Miss Universe, India's Harnaaz Sandhu, who took home the crown on December 13, 2021. Overall, 86 contestants will participate in the competition to get the crown of the world beauty pageant on their heads! But there can only be one lucky one. Based on the popularity, talent, media coverage and response from the public, we have predicted the top 5 Miss Universe 2022 winners who have an excellent probability of becoming this year's beauty queen. Miss Universe 2022 Date, Time in IST and Live Streaming Online: When and Where to Watch 71st Miss Universe Beauty Pageant Free Live Stream.

1. Monique Riley - Australia 


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A post shared by ☆ Miss Universe Australia ☆ Monique Riley ☆ (@moniquee.riley)


Born in Sydney, New South Whales, Monique Riley is Miss Universe Australia 2022. In her early life, she worked part-time as a model and an actress in Sydney while functioning as an executive assistant assisting in running her partner's construction company.

2. Divita Rai - India 


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A post shared by Miss Diva (@missdivaorg)


Divita Rai is representing India at the 71st edition of the coveted Miss Universe Pageant 2023. The Miss Universe India 2022 wants to make education accessible for everybody. Who Is Divita Rai? From Pageantry to Facts; All You Need To Know About India’s Representative at 71st Miss Universe.

3. Anna Sueangam - Thailand 


Miss Universe Thailand 2022, Anna Sueangam was everywhere on the internet for her unique way of paying respect to her parents. She wore a glittering long gown made with pull-up caps of drinking cans.

4. Celeste Cortesi - Philippines 


Celeste Cortesi is a half-Filipino, half-Italian beauty queen who bedazzled the crowd during the swimsuit, evening gown, and national costume portion of the Miss Universe 2023 preliminary rounds.

5. Mia Mamede - Brazil


Mia Mamede is Miss Universe Brazil 2022. She was the first woman from her state to win Miss Brazil.

Like every year, the annual Miss Universe 2023 will once again celebrate females around the globe and promote humanitarian work. The hosts will be Miss Universe 2012 Olivia Culpo and 'The Real' star Jeannine Mai Jenkins this time.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 13, 2023 02:52 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

Miss Universe 2022 Winner Predictions: Top 5 Favourite Contenders Who Can Win the Crown at the 71st Edition of the Beauty Pageant Final (See Pics)
Divita Rai, Celeste Cortesi and Anna Sueangam (Photo Credits: Instagram)

The 71st edition of Miss Universe 2022 will be hosted in New Orleans on Saturday, January 14, 2023. The beauty pageant contest will be hosted at the Ernest N Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. This year's titleholder will be crowned by current Miss Universe, India's Harnaaz Sandhu, who took home the crown on December 13, 2021. Overall, 86 contestants will participate in the competition to get the crown of the world beauty pageant on their heads! But there can only be one lucky one. Based on the popularity, talent, media coverage and response from the public, we have predicted the top 5 Miss Universe 2022 winners who have an excellent probability of becoming this year's beauty queen. Miss Universe 2022 Date, Time in IST and Live Streaming Online: When and Where to Watch 71st Miss Universe Beauty Pageant Free Live Stream.

1. Monique Riley - Australia 


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A post shared by ☆ Miss Universe Australia ☆ Monique Riley ☆ (@moniquee.riley)


Born in Sydney, New South Whales, Monique Riley is Miss Universe Australia 2022. In her early life, she worked part-time as a model and an actress in Sydney while functioning as an executive assistant assisting in running her partner's construction company.

2. Divita Rai - India 


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A post shared by Miss Diva (@missdivaorg)


Divita Rai is representing India at the 71st edition of the coveted Miss Universe Pageant 2023. The Miss Universe India 2022 wants to make education accessible for everybody. Who Is Divita Rai? From Pageantry to Facts; All You Need To Know About India’s Representative at 71st Miss Universe.

3. Anna Sueangam - Thailand 


Miss Universe Thailand 2022, Anna Sueangam was everywhere on the internet for her unique way of paying respect to her parents. She wore a glittering long gown made with pull-up caps of drinking cans.

4. Celeste Cortesi - Philippines 


Celeste Cortesi is a half-Filipino, half-Italian beauty queen who bedazzled the crowd during the swimsuit, evening gown, and national costume portion of the Miss Universe 2023 preliminary rounds.

5. Mia Mamede - Brazil


Mia Mamede is Miss Universe Brazil 2022. She was the first woman from her state to win Miss Brazil.

Like every year, the annual Miss Universe 2023 will once again celebrate females around the globe and promote humanitarian work. The hosts will be Miss Universe 2012 Olivia Culpo and 'The Real' star Jeannine Mai Jenkins this time.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 13, 2023 02:52 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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