Vibrate Higher! COVID-19 Virus Has Vibration of 5.5hz and Dies Above 25.5hz? Know the Truth Behind Fake Message Going Viral on Social Media

In the latest such case, a fake post with the caption 'Vibrate Higher' claims that the COVID-19 virus has a vibration of 5.5hz and dies above 25.5hz, is being widely circulated by people, triggering panic and confusion among the masses.

Vibrate Higher Fake News (Photo Credits: Twitter)

At a time when countries of the world continue their fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, fake news and misinformation regarding coronavirus and its treatment are doing rounds on social media platforms. In the latest such case, a fake post with the caption 'Vibrate Higher' claims that the COVID-19 virus has a vibration of 5.5hz and dies above 25.5hz, is being widely circulated by people, triggering panic and confusion among the masses. Such baseless misinformation leaves people wondering if the fake news is true at a time when the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

The post further claims that the 'spiritually inclined will understand and relate better' to the claims. "For humans with a higher vibration, infection is a minor irritant that is soon eliminated!", a Twitter user tweeted in one of the tweets. "Fear, Phobia, Suspicion Anxiety, Stress, Tension. Jealousy, Anger, Rage Hate, Greed Attachment or Pain *And so......we have to understand to vibrate higher, so that the lower frequency does not weaken our immune system.* The frequency of the earth today is 27.4hz", he said in another tweet. Fake WhatsApp Message About 'COVID-19 Three Stages' Treatment Falsely Linked to Tata Health Surfaces Again This Year; Know The Truth Behind Viral Message.

Here are the misleading tweets doing rounds:

A similar post had gone viral on social media even in 2020 claiming that COVID-19 disease dies with a vibration greater than 25.5 hz (hertz). However, a fact check done by news agency Reuters said that there is no such evidence that the virus is cured by any kind of vibration. The report further quotes specialists saying that the claims that coronavirus disease can be cured in this way and it can be diagnosed with ultrasounds are completely misleading.

"Ultrasounds, sound waves whose frequency exceeds the limit perceptible by humans, are used to diagnose the biological impact of the coronavirus on your body, if your lungs are necrotic or infected, they can determine that you have coronavirus, along with other arguments, but they cannot detect the presence of the coronavirus by themselves ”, the report added. "COVID-19 disease is not cured by vibrations", it stated.

In another news report, it was stated that there is no relationship between high vibrations and the killing of the COVID-19 virus. Another similar Facebook post had gone viral on social media in August 2020 claiming that the COVID-19 has a vibration of 5.5hz, dies above 25.5hz. Several Facebook users had assured that the COVID-19 disease dies with a vibration greater than 25.5 hz. However, this information is completely false and baseless because it is not possible to eliminate the virus in such manner.

Fact check


COVID-19 Virus Has Vibration of 5.5hz and Dies Above 25.5hz


The claims are fake and completely baseless. Reports have shown that is no relationship between any kind of vibration and its effects on the killing the COVID-19 virus in humans.

Full of Trash

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 17, 2021 10:03 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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