Haryana: Dismissed Assistant Lineman, 3 Others Booked For Trying to Restore Job by Impersonating Chief Justice of Punjab & Haryana High Court, Special Secretary

Four people have been booked inn Hisar for impersonating the Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court and special secretary to restore a dismissed assistant linemen. The four accused were identified as Balwan Singh, Ravindra Sharma, Balraj Singh and Avtar Singh.

Representational Image (Photo Credits: PTI)

Hisar, August 30: Four people have been booked inn Hisar for impersonating the Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court and special secretary to restore a dismissed assistant linemen. The four accused were identified as Balwan Singh, Ravindra Sharma, Balraj Singh and Avtar Singh. The case was registered under sections 170, 177, 419, 120-B and 34 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The FIR was lodged in the matter on August 12 on the complaint of Balkar Singh, Managing Director (MD) of Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN). Chennai: Man Impersonates COVID Care Volunteer, Steals Gold Ornaments.

Notably, Balwan Singh was an assistant lineman. He was dismissed from the job as he was convicted in a case of molesting a minor girl. Balwan’s conviction order was stayed by the High Court, and the hearing is scheduled in November this year. According to a report published in The Times of India, Ravindra Sharma, impersonating special secretary to the Chief Justice, met Balkar and pressured him to restore the dismissal order of assistant lineman Balwan.

During the investment, the involvement of four accused was found in the matter. As per the report, Balwan talked about his job to Ravindra, who in turn contacted Avtar. Reportedly, Avtar told Ravindra that he had spoken to Balkar. After which, Ravindra and Balwan met the MD of DHBVN. Kolkata Man Impersonates Cop, Dupes 23-Year-Old of Rs 11 Lakh On Pretext Of Getting Him Job In Police; Arrested.

After tracing the mobile number used in calling Balkar, it was found that these numbers belonged to Avtar, who spoke to the MD of DHBVN by impersonating Chief Justice’s special secretary Ravindra Sharma. He exerted pressure to reinstate Balwan by impersonating Ravindra as the Chief Justice. The cyber police were further investigating the matter.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 30, 2021 03:19 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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