Spring has arrived and it's time to enjoy the outdoors. Every year, National Picnic Day is celebrated on April 23 in the US and other parts of the world. This year too, National Picnic Day 2024 is being celebrated on April 23, which is a Tuesday. Though the origin of this day is unknown, picnics have a rich history dating back to the 17th century. The word 'picnic' originated from the French word 'pique-nique', which was initially used to describe a group of people who brought their wine to a restaurant. Over time, the term evolved to mean a meal where everyone contributed food and drink. National Picnic Day encourages people to pack their lunch and enjoy nature outside with friends and family. Here we have rounded up 5 fun picnic games that are perfect for all ages and will keep your loved ones entertained for hours in the sun. Fun Picnic Ideas and Activities for an Exciting Celebration of the Day.

1. Frisbee

This activity is perfect for smaller picnics and can be played with two or more people. It's even better if you have a dog to participate. To play a game with two players, they should stand at a slight distance from each other. If the kids are experienced frisbee players, the distance can be increased. It's a fun game for everyone to enjoy and perfect for a day out in the park.

Frisbee (Photo Credits: Pexels)

2. Lawn Bowling

To play Lawn Bowling, all you need is a set of 10 bowling pins. Both kids and adults can enjoy this lawn game. In this game, two teams play against each other. One team rolls all their bowls from one end towards the jack to hit or get close to it. After all the bowls have been rolled by both teams at each end, points are awarded based on their proximity to the jack.

Lawn Bowling (Photo Credits: Pexels)

3. Scavenger Hunt

Each team will receive a list of items to collect, find or complete. The goal is to finish all the challenges in the shortest time possible. There is a fixed time limit for everyone to complete the task. The first person or team to reach the target will be declared the winner. Best Picnic Spots From Around the World You Can Plan Outings At.

Scavenger Hunt (Photo Credits: Unsplash)

4.  Three-Legged Race

It's super fun! It's a classic game played in teams of two, with each member's leg tied to the other's. The aim is to run together and reach the finish line before the other teams. The first team to cross the finish line is the winner! This game is perfect for family picnics and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Three-legged Race (Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons)

5. One-Minute Challenges

If you want to have some fun with your family by playing timed games, you can try out some one-minute games that are easy and enjoyable. One example of such a game is 'Keep the Balloons in the Air'. In this game, each player is given 2 to 3 balloons, and the goal is to keep them in the air for the entire minute. This game is a great way to bring out the competitive spirit in everyone and have a good time together.

Watch (Photo Credits: Unsplash)

Overall, picnics are popular outdoor activities that allow people to escape the confines of their homes and enjoy a meal in a park, beach, forest, or other outdoor location. These games are perfect for picnics, as they provide a way to spend quality time together.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 23, 2024 09:50 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).