New Delhi [India], Feb 16 (ANI): The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) president Sourav Ganguly on Sunday confirmed that India would play day-night Test against Australia this year and against England next year."Day-night Test will happen and we will make a public announcement -- the second Test against England next year. Yes, against Australia also," Ganguly told reporters after the Apex Council meeting here.According to the Future Tour Programs (FTP), India are scheduled to tour to Australia in November to play four Tests and three ODIs.After the confirmation from Ganguly, the one Test of the series will be played under lights with the pink ball.The tour to England is scheduled for July 2021 where India will play five-match Test series out of which one will be a day-night Test.India played their maiden pink-ball Test against Bangladesh at the Eden Gardens in November last year, which the hosts won by an innings and 46 runs.India declined Australia's offer to play a day-night Test in Adelaide in 2018-19, citing lack of experience.India recently faced a whitewash in the three-match T20I series against New Zealand. The team will next face Kiwis in the first Test of the two-match series at Basin Reserve in Wellington starting on February 21. (ANI)

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