Social media influencer Alanna Panday, the cousin of Bollywood actress Ananya Panday, recently embraced motherhood. Alanna and her husband, Ivor McCray, welcomed their first child, a baby boy, on July 8. The couple shared the happy news with fans and well-wishers by sharing a heart-warming video on their social media handle. The video showed the couple twinning in blue colour outfits as they made the joyous announcement. Since then, Alanna has been sharing adorable glimpses of her newborn on social media. Alanna Panday and Ivor McCray Welcome Baby Boy, Share First Glimpse of Their ‘Little Angel’ (Watch Video).

Alanna Panday and Ivor McCray Share Their Pregnancy Journey

Not just that, the couple documented the special moments from the birth of their little one in their latest YouTube video. On July 16, Alanna Panday and Ivor McCray dropped a nine-minute forty-three-second vlog on their YouTube channel showcasing highlights from her pregnancy journey to the arrival of their baby boy. The couple could be seen joyously expressing their excitement in the video as they eagerly awaited the arrival of their little bundle of joy. The video also featured childhood glimpses of the new parents, Alanna and Ivor. The full name of their baby boy was revealed as Ivor 'River' McRay VI. Mommy Alanna Panday Shares Heartwarming Video Capturing Her 9 Months Pregnancy Journey - WATCH.

Check Out Alanna Panday’s Pregnancy Highlights Vlog Here:

Ananya Panday had the cutest reaction to her nephew's birth. Taking to her Instagram stories, the Kho Gaye Hum Kahan actress expressed her joy and wrote, "My beautiful baby boy nephew is here."

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 21, 2024 04:52 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website