Fuel Rates Continue to Decrease: Petrol in Mumbai at Rs 82.62/Litre & Diesel at Rs 71.93/Litre in Delhi; Check Rates in Other Cities

It is now more than 30 days that the fuel rates have not increased in the country.

Image used for representational purpose | (Photo Credit: PTI)

Mumbai, November 16: Fuel rates continue to decrease in India. The rates have last increased on October 16, and since then daily prices have either remained static or have decreased. The price of petrol in Mumbai today is at Rs 82.62 per litre (decrease by Rs 0.18) and diesel has decreased by 0.17 paise to Rs 75.36 per litre. In Delhi on the other hand, petrol is priced at Rs 77.10 per litre (decrease by Rs 0.18) and diesel is priced at Rs 71.93 per litre (decrease by Rs 0.16). Petrol And Diesel Price Down by Rs 2.50 Per Litre as Centre Cuts Excise Duty by Rs 1.50 Per Litre; OMCs to Reduce Fuel Rate by Re 1 Per Litre.

The price of petrol in Kolkata has also marginally slipped to Rs 79.04 per litre and diesel costs Rs 73.79 per litre in the city. A litre of petrol is priced at Rs 80.07 in Chennai, and diesel is being sold at a rate of Rs 76.02 per litre.

It is now more than 30 days that the fuel rates have not increased in the country. Petrol prices are reportedly the lowest since September. Crude oil prices, on the other hand, have lost around one-fourth of their value since early October with demand falling below supply. Some states also reduced VAT following the central government's price cut which made the fuel prices go down by Rs 5 in some of the states.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 16, 2018 08:49 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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