Bhavnagar, October 27: A horrifying incident has come to light where a man allegedly stabbed his wife to death and assaulted her parents and kin on Monday night. As per the report by the Times of India, the accused, Himmat Jogadiya (35) was arrested.

The deceased was identified as Dipti (32). The complaint was filed by the deceased's father Pragji Gilatar. The complainant, in his complaint, said that he, his wife Shantu, his sister Samu and other relatives had come to Himmat's house on Monday night on the occasion of Diwali to bless the couple and give them gifts. But, Himmat and his family did not like this gesture and started an argument which soon turned violent. Chennai Shocker: Man Stabs Wife for Uploading Videos of Her Performing on Songs With Other Men on Social Media; Arrested.

Himmat started hurling abuses at his in-laws and in a fit of rage, he brought a knife from the kitchen and attacked Gilatar and his wife. When Dipti tried to intervene, Himmat stabbed her in the chest, killing her on the spot. Himmat, his mother Lakhuben, and brother-in-law Kano attacked Dipti's family members and injured them. Kochi Shocker: Man Stabbed to Death for Questioning Misbehaviour With Woman During DJ Party.

Reportedly, the couple got married in 2014. However, Dipti went to live with her parents just nine days citing health issues and Himmat never went back to bring her back. It was only after Dipti filed an application for maintenance in court, that Himmat brought her home in March 2022.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 27, 2022 05:02 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website