Millions of people all around the world struggle with asthma, making it a common condition that affects many people and families. World Asthma Day is celebrated every year on the first Tuesday of May to raise awareness about this life-threatening illness. This year, World Asthma Day 2024 will be celebrated on May 7, 2024. People who suffer from asthma use inhalers very often, as it helps them manage their symptoms and lead a normal life. World Asthma Day aims to promote better care options for individuals around the world. On this special day, people come together to learn more about asthma, its causes, and how to support those living with it.

Through educational events and awareness campaigns, people get more information about managing asthma effectively and reducing its impact on daily life. Additionally, healthcare professionals and researchers use this day to share the latest advancements in asthma treatment, offering hope and support to individuals coping with the condition. To observe the day, let's join hands in raising awareness of asthma on World Asthma Day 2024! When Is World Asthma Day 2024? Know Date, Theme and Significance of the Day That Raises Awareness About Asthma Around the Globe.

World Asthma Day 2024 Date

Asthma Day 2024 will be celebrated on May 7, 2024, a Tuesday.

World Asthma Day History

World Asthma Day started in 1998, set up by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). Its goal is to make more people aware of asthma, which is becoming a more common illness. The first Asthma Day was celebrated on the first Tuesday of May in 1998. The day and time were picked as this is the time when asthma often gets worse in spring and fall when weather changes and allergens increase. By 2016, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said asthma is a big public health issue. Ever since then, this day is celebrated every year to raise awareness about this life-threatening illness.

World Day Significance

World Asthma Day is a significant day since it teaches people about asthma—what it is, what makes it worse, and how to handle it. The days also aims to highlight the importance of finding out early if you have asthma and getting the right treatment. Learning how to manage asthma can make a big difference in controlling it. This day helps to make people understand asthma better and stops them from feeling ashamed or bad about it. It's a chance for everyone to talk openly about asthma and show support for those who have it. World Asthma Day also helps doctors, asthma teachers, and patients learn and teach more about asthma together. It shares trustworthy information about how to deal with asthma and gives people the power to manage it well. How to Relieve Asthma Symptoms at Home in Case of an Emergency? Tips to Handle the Situation Until Help Arrives!.

This Asthma Day, let’s share genuine and informative knowledge, offer support, and encourage understanding of the illness. Let’s work towards a world where asthma is effectively managed, and all individuals living with asthma can lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 06, 2024 12:45 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website