As the temperatures soar during the Indian summer, staying hydrated is crucial. One of the best ways to beat the heat is by indulging in refreshing homemade summer drinks. These drinks not only help cool you down but also provide essential nutrients to keep you healthy. Here are some popular summer drinks you can easily make at home: Know Heatstroke Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention Tips for You and Your Loved Ones.

1. Aam Panna

This traditional Indian drink made from raw mangoes is not only delicious but also packed with vitamins and minerals. It helps prevent heat strokes and keeps the body cool. To make Aam Panna, boil raw mangoes until soft, then peel and blend the pulp with mint leaves, cumin powder, black salt, and sugar. Serve chilled with ice cubes.

2. Nimbu Pani

Also known as lemonade, Nimbu Pani is a classic summer cooler loved by all. It is easy to make by mixing freshly squeezed lemon juice with water, sugar, salt, and a pinch of roasted cumin powder. Garnish with mint leaves and serve chilled.

3. Coconut Water

Nature's own energy drink, coconut water is rich in electrolytes and hydrates the body instantly. Simply crack open a fresh coconut and enjoy the refreshing water inside. You can also blend coconut water with fruits like watermelon or pineapple for a tropical twist.

4. Buttermilk or Chaas

Also known as chaas or moru, buttermilk is a popular summer drink in India. It is made by diluting yogurt with water and adding salt, roasted cumin powder, and mint leaves. Buttermilk aids digestion and keeps the body cool.

5. Jaljeera

This spicy and tangy drink is perfect for beating the summer heat. Jaljeera is made by mixing jaljeera powder with water, lemon juice, mint leaves, and black salt. It aids digestion and refreshes the body.

6. Sattu Drink

Sattu, a flour made from roasted gram, is a nutritious drink that helps in staying cool during summers. Mix sattu with water, lemon juice, black salt, and roasted cumin powder. You can also add jaggery for sweetness.

7. Barley Water

Barley water is a healthy and refreshing drink that helps in detoxifying the body. Boil barley pearls in water until soft, then strain the water and add lemon juice and honey to taste.

These homemade summer drinks not only help you stay hydrated but also provide relief from the scorching heat. Try these recipes at home and enjoy a cool and refreshing summer!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 29, 2024 09:02 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website