Wrinkles on Penis: Is It Normal for It to Get All Wrinkly down There? Does It Affect Your Sexual Performance?

A user on Reddit described an odd situation wherein she was just about to have sex with a guy whose penis was all wrinkly. Obviously she did have a lot of questions in mind wondering if it was some kind of infection or a condition.

Penis (Photo Credits: Pixabay)

A user on Reddit described an odd situation wherein she was just about to have sex with a guy whose penis was all wrinkly. Obviously she did have a lot of questions in mind wondering if it was some kind of infection or a condition. While the situation can be a tad bid worrisome for someone who has no idea about a wrinkly penis, let us tell you, that is is kind of a ‘normal’ thing. Now, there can be several reasons as to why a guy would have wrinkles on his penis, but the most common reason is for him to be ‘uncut’. Most guys who haven’t been circumcised ought to have wrinkles down there.  Does Penis Size Matter? Huge, Average or Small, Here's What Penis Length and Girth Women Usually Prefer!

Does it affect their performance? Clearly not. A wrinkly penis has no effect on one’s sex life whatsoever. However, this isn’t the only reason for it to have wrinkles. Reports online suggest that wrinkles on the penis can also be a result of dehydration. Less intake of water can make the skin extremely dry down there causing it to form wrinkles. Another reason could be a pause in stimulation. Suppose if you were in the middle of the act and suddenly stopped, it could cause small inflation of sorts around that area, leading it to wrinkles.

While some suggest that wrinkles go away when the penis is erect, one has to remember that everyone has a different body. As long as there are no pain and bleeding involved, wrinkles on the penis are considered to be absolutely normal. However, do take it seriously and consult a doctor when you see other symptoms. These include:

  • Tearing of the skin
  • Cracks on foreskin
  • Swelling of the penis
  • Bleeding
  • Inability to retract the foreskin

Another reason could be ageing. As men get older, the texture around the penis could become thinner or break down, leading it to cause wrinkles.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 19, 2020 09:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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