Sex Toys for Valentines' Day 2019: Special Bath Bombs by Lush Cosmetics Cannot be Used, Warn Doctors; View Pics of Bum and Penis-Shaped Soaps

Soon after Lush introduced the range, people went crazy, wanting to buy these emoji-themed bath bombs.

Lush cosmetics' bath bombs (Photo Credits: Instagram)

Half of January is over and if there is one thing that couples especially are waiting for is Valentines' Day 2019. It is not just the couples but also the merchandising that begins for the season of love. From the start of February, shops have a range of gift items for gifting your partner. Lush Cosmetics has a reputation for coming up with a special range for Valentines' Day. This time around, they introduced bath bombs in the early start of January. A definite motive to be naughty, the UK-based beauty brand designed these products which can look like sex toys in the shape of banana, peach and aubergines. A peach is looked at like an ass, while the aubergine resembles a penis undeniably. But doctors have issued a warning that it may not be a good and healthy idea to replace these bath bombs as a sex toy. Woman's Boyfriend Confuses Lint Remover for a Sex Toy, Leaves Her Terrified in Bed!

Soon after Lush introduced the range, people went crazy, wanting to buy these emoji-themed bath bombs. But sexually stimulating with these products is not a good idea. Dr Vanessa Mackay from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist has warned customers to not get carried away these bath bombs. Using these bath bombs as a dildo would be a bad idea. "We would strongly discourage the use of bath bombs internally, as these could disturb the fragile balance of good bacteria inside the vagina. This natural flora helps to protect the vagina and disrupting it could lead to irritation, inflammation, and infection, such as bacterial vaginosis or thrush." Sex Toy For Long-Distance Lovers! Lipstick-Shaped Device With AI Can Chat in Sultry Voice and Send Sexy Messages, Watch Video. 

Look at Picture of Lush Cosmetics' Valentines' Day 2019 Bath Bomb Collection 

The Aubergine Bath Bomb

Lush introduced a range of cheeky bath bombs in shapes of a banana, strawberry, peach, unicorn horn, all bright and colourful, which can make one more cheery! But using these fancy and fragrant soaps for your private parts or inserting them for sexual excitement will have more dangers than any benefit.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 17, 2019 02:17 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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