It is International Day of Friendship 2020 today, July 30. Again, India and a few other nations are preparing themselves to celebrate Friendship Day, which is observed on the first Sunday of August. It is special for all of us to celebrate the bond we cherish the most—friendship. But it is not so easy to keep up promises. There are times when you end up fighting with your best friend. In times like this, it is crucial on what to say and what to do. You scream, you cry, give each other the silent treatment, sometimes that stays for long until you both eventually realise that the fight isn’t worth losing your friendship over. In this article, we bring you some tips and things you can do to make peace with your BFF, when he/she is just too mad at you. Friendship Day Date in India vs International Day of Friendship on July 30: What Is the Difference Between These Events Honouring the Bond of Friendship?

Apologise, and Mean It!

Your friend knows you quite well, and they can easily figure out if you mean it. And again, apologising can never be wrong. It is always better to own up to your mistake and say sorry to make it up and save your friendship.

Keep it Face-to-Face

Like all serious conversations, face to face is better. Schedule a time on neutral turf and talk to your friend. During a fight, chances are there that you both may not understand what went wrong. Most of the times, in anger, it is seen that people say each other mean things that they never really mean to say, yet do! So, it is always better to confront whatever you feel about the fight. The process will also help you both realise that if the ‘cold shoulder’ is necessary.

It is Okay to Forget It and Move On

Have you ever been in a huge fight with your friend only to realise after that whole thing never really made any sense? If yes, you are not the only one! It is always better to put things behind as the future of your relationship is worth more than the conflict. Right?

Hear Your BFF Out!

At times, you may want just to move forward and forget the whole conflict, but your friend seems to bring up the fight every time. Never refuse them. That might hint that you are not interested in solving things out. Sit with your best friend and hear him/ her out. Understand what bothered the person so much and eventually sort it out. International Day of Friendship 2020 Virtual Celebration Ideas: Easy and Fun Ways to Make Your Friendship Day Memorable While Social Distancing!

Learn From Fights

Always, always learn from your fights. Whether you are right or wrong, there is always something you can learn from it. Any disagreement can give us all a chance to reflect on how we can be better communicators. You might discover something about you along the way and can be easier not to hold on a fight but move on.


You guys have made up—so it’s time to celebrate! Give each other a tight hug, get your favourite drink, make some special recipe and can up on everything that you both missed while you were busy hating each other!

Friendship is a gifted relationship, and not many are blessed with a true one. So save it. Do not allow a conflict to ruin up the bond you share with your BFF. There will come a time, when you both will look back on the whole thing and laugh. Happy Friendship Day, everyone!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 30, 2020 12:42 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website