Hepatitis is much more common than liver cirrhosis, so when it comes to liver, this disease is one that needs to get its due attention. On World Hepatitis Day, it is only befitting to spread awareness about the disease. While a lot of us know about the hepatitis types and ways to prevent it, however, there are a few myths we need to stop believing right now. One of the most common misconceptions is that hepatitis causes jaundice, which is not true as the disease is only a symptom of hepatitis. We debunk more such myths. Read on!

Myth 1: Water-Borne Infections Causes Hepatitis

Fact: Jaundice and chronic hepatitis are caused by blood-borne viruses that can lead to end-stage liver disease or liver cirrhosis. Hepatitis can be prevented with a vaccine given at birth. Adults who have not been immunised can take the shot after getting tested for hepatitis B.

Myth 2: You Should Eat Only Bland Food While Recovering from Hepatitis

Your body needs the right amount of calories from carbohydrates, proteins and fats when you have jaundice. Therefore, limiting yourself to bland food can easily lead to protein deficiency during prolonged illness. Once the appetite is back, you should maintain a healthy diet with reasonable amounts of fat to recover from the illness faster. World Hepatitis Day 2020: Common Myths About Hepatitis That Needs to be Busted Right Now!

Myth 3: Eating Yellow Coloured Foods Cause Jaundice

Although you may have heard that eating yellow coloured foods like dal, turmeric and lemon increases of the risk of jaundice, none of it is true. In fact, foods like turmeric are loaded with anti-inflammatory properties that are good for your liver. The antioxidants in lemon can help flush the free radicals from the liver and help it recover from any infection. Green Tea Extract Plus Exercise May Reduce Fatty Liver Disease.

Myth 4: Ayurvedic and Herbal Treatment is Effective Treatment for Jaundice

A lot of us believe that Ayurvedic and herbal medicines are the only way to cure people. The fact is that remedial doctors and quacks suggest various concoctions that may not be effective at all. You can treat hepatitis if you approach the right clinicians and get yourself treated when symptoms arise. Study Finds a Way to Treat Liver Disease.

We bet you still believe in some of these most common myths. Open your eyes now!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 28, 2020 07:30 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).