Man Falls to Death From Grand Canyon Skywalk in Arizona, Authorities Say He Climbed Over Safety Barrier

A man jumped to death from Grand Canyon Skywalk in Arizona, the popular horseshoe-shaped cantilever bridge in Arizona. Authorities said that he climbed over a safety barrier and fell from there.

Grand Canyon Skywalk (Photo Credits: Unsplash)

A man jumped to his death from Grand Canyon Skywalk in Arizona, the popular horseshoe-shaped cantilever bridge in Arizona. Authorities said that he climbed over a safety barrier and fell from there. The 28-year-old visitor jumped from a staggering height of 219 metres around 4:30 pm on Saturday. Officials on Sunday said that they are trying to recover the body. The identity of the man was not immediately ascertained.

The bridge, which is a glass walkway, is located at Eagle Point in Arizona, overlooking the Colorado River on the edge of a side canyon in the Grand Canyon West area. In March, a Chinese tourist fell to death after stumbling while trying to click a photo close to the Skywalk. A vertical drop from the Skywalk is between 500 feet and 800 feet. Hiking Enthusiast, Danielle Burnett Dies After Falling 500 Feet From Half Dome Cliff in Yosemite National Park.

While falling to death from the canyon's skywalks are not common, there have been a number of cases. Grand Canyon National Park spokeswoman Vanessa Ceja previously told The Arizona Republic that about 12 people die each year within the park. The skywalk opened in 2007. While most of the cases have been accidental falls, the tragedies can also be attributed to overheating and drowning in the Colorado River. Indian Couple Were Clicking Selfie When They Fell Off Cliff at Yosemite National Park.

In 2018, an Illinois man fell 500 feet to his death from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. According to park visitors who witnessed the incident, the man had climbed over a railing and, missed a landing spot he planned to hop onto. The National Park Service advises tourists to "keep a safe distance of at least six feet from the edge of the rim". They discourage running or jumping near the rim or climbing over the barriers. However, tourists do not pay heed to the safety instructions sometimes, which results in fatal accidents.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 30, 2019 08:54 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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