New Delhi, February 11: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf's Member of National Assembly Faisal Vawda irked the social media and got heavily trolled after he turned up at an event in a luxurious sports car. Vawda landed himself in a bit of a soup, on Monday, after pictures of him getting out of a bright yellow sports car started doing the rounds on social media. According to a report by Dawn, the pictures are from the Karachi Kings sending off ceremony. PSL 2019 Complete Squads: Full Players List of All Pakistan Super League T20 Teams.
Shortly after the snaps went viral, people flooded Twitter and trolled the politician mercilessly. Taking a jibe at his automobile, a user wrote, “Will Faisal Vawda’s car turn into a Transformer is all I wanna know.”Comparing his entry to a film shoot a user wrote, “Faisal Vawda (Federal Minister) during the film shoot.” PSL T20 2019: Shahid Afridi Released by Karachi Kings Ahead of Players Draft.
Interestingly, a user reduced Vawda’s luxury car to a yellow taxi, saying, “Federal Minister ne saadagi ki misaal qaim kar di... Taxi chala k guzar basar karr rhe. (The Federal Minister has set an example of simplicity. He is driving a taxi for sustenance.),” the user wrote.
Commenting on Vawda’s glamorous entry a user wrote, “Faisal Vawda is the star of his own movie.” While many criticised the politician, there were few who were in favour of the glamorous look.“The Most Most Stylish Minister in Whole Cabinet,” a tweet read.“Faisal Vawda Has his own Style! We cannot Compare him with any one,” wrote another user adding a heart emoticon to the tweet.