Pune, Oct 30 (IANS): The Pune Half Marathon is set to make a grand comeback with its third edition announced for November 27, 2022, and registrations for which have begun in full swing. This year, the event has also declared prize money of approximately Rs 28 lakh, up from Rs 21 lakh in the second edition, to be won across its race categories. After a pandemic-induced break of two years, the marquee event of Pune's long-distance running is making a comeback and the race organizers have announced a Rs 10 lakh prize for national records in the half-marathon category, for both men and women. The Pune Half Marathon primarily features four categories, which include the half marathon (21.1km), a 10km run, a 5km run, and a 3km (family and fun) run. FIFA World Cup 2022 Host Qatar Hits Back at German Criticism on Human Rights and Sustainability

Vikas Singh, CEO of APG Running and Fit page said, "It gives us immense pleasure to announce the return of the half marathon. We promise our participants, volunteers, and spectators that their wait of two years will be made worthwhile with a best-in-class experience this year. Also for the first time, we are introducing the fit page app, a technology-driven endurance-first platform, for the participants. This will ensure that participants understand their current fitness levels better and start training using methods that are best suited for each individual. We are confident that the third edition is destined for a grand success."

The first edition of the half marathon saw over 15,000 registrations and the second, held in 2019, saw more than 20,000 running enthusiasts participate. Kenyan Janet Cherobon-Bawcom, the 2011 Boston Half Marathon champion, was the brand ambassador in the second edition.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 30, 2022 05:33 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).