Singer-songwriter Nick Jonas features in the World War II film titled Midway, the trailer of which released in September 2019. The upcoming movie comes from the director of Independence Day and The Patriot, Roland Emmerich and stars Luke Evans, Darren Criss, Ed Skrein, Mandy Moore and Japanese actor Tadanobu Asano along with Jonas. Midway is based on real-life events and follows the story of the Battle of Midway, a clash between the American fleet and the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. The Current War Trailer: Benedict Cumberbatch’s Thomas Edison and Nicholas Hoult’s Nikola Tesla Are at War in This Period Drama – Watch Video

The power-packed trailer starts with a young girl standing and staring from a distance. After a few plates shake in the kitchen, giving the feel of an earthquake, the wife of a Navy aviator, Ann Best played by Mandy Moore, turns to find her daughter watching a wild war seen. She runs outside the house to have a look of the complete scenario herself. Thereafter, a background voice in the trailer narrates, "Pearl Harbor is the greatest intelligence failure in American history."Jonas who essayed the role of Bruno Gaido appeared in the trailer where he was on a fighter ship struggling during the war. Nick Jonas Completes Shoot For His Portions in Dwayne Johnson’s Jumanji 2

Watch The Trailer of Midway Here:

Watch The Teaser of Midway Here:

There are shots of nerve-racking explosions and intense weather conditions at sea where the actual battle scenes are shown. The final scene of the trailer shows a soldier taking a glimpse at a monochrome photo of his wife and child inside of the fighter plane during the war. The upcoming film releasing on November 8 brings to life the heroic tales of the leaders and soldiers who used their instincts and bravery to fight against the odds.