New Delhi, August 16: World Health Organisation's Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus arrived in Gujarat on Wednesday to attend a global summit on traditional medicine and was accorded a warm welcome. The Ayush Ministry shared a video of him joining a 'dandia' event which was held to greet him.

Reacting to the video, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "My good friend Tulsi Bhai is clearly well prepared for Navratri! Welcome to India, @DrTedros." Dandia, a traditional dance form, is held during Navratri celebrations in Gujarat. Modi had on an earlier occasion addressed him endearingly as 'Tulsi Bhai'.

Video of WHO Chief Playing Garba in Gujarat

"Delighted to be in India for the WHO Traditional Medicine Global Summit, the Ministerial Meeting on Ending TB in WHO South East Asia and the G20 Health Ministers Meeting. Namaste India," the director general posted on X.