Manohar Parrikar Health Update: Goa CM Headed to US Today For Treatment After Advice by Doctors at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital

North Goa MP Shripad Naik said that there is 'nothing major' and that the doctors at the Lilavati hospital in Mumbai recommended him to fly to US for treatment.

Politics Team Latestly|
Manohar Parrikar Health Update: Goa CM Headed to US Today For Treatment After Advice by Doctors at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital
Goa CM Manohar Parrikar will fly to US today for treatment | (Photo Credits: PTI)

Panaji, August 29: Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar will fly to US on Wednesday for further treatment after developing minor health "complications", said Shripad Naik, Member of Parliament (MP) from North Goa. Parrikar was undergoing treatment at the Lilavati hospital in Mumbai.

Goa Assembly speaker Pramod Sawant confirmed the news about the Goa Chief Minister flying to US for health treatment. North Goa MP Shripad Naik said that there is "nothing major" and that the doctors at the Lilavati hospital recommended him to fly to US for further treatment. See the tweet below:

The Goa chief minister had undergone treatment in the US for three months earlier this year, reportedly for a pancreatic ailment and had returned in June. Parikkar had gone to the US again this month for a follow-up.

There is no clarity on who would be holding the charge of the state in Chief Minister Parikkar's absence. Sources told media that How Is WhatsApp Fraud Done? Bengaluru Man Engages in Deep Chat With 'Kind Hearted' Scammer After Receiving APK File, Learns How to Free Mobile Phone From Hackers' Control

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    Manohar Parrikar Health Update: Goa CM Headed to US Today For Treatment After Advice by Doctors at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital

    North Goa MP Shripad Naik said that there is 'nothing major' and that the doctors at the Lilavati hospital in Mumbai recommended him to fly to US for treatment.

    Politics Team Latestly|
    Manohar Parrikar Health Update: Goa CM Headed to US Today For Treatment After Advice by Doctors at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital
    Goa CM Manohar Parrikar will fly to US today for treatment | (Photo Credits: PTI)

    Panaji, August 29: Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar will fly to US on Wednesday for further treatment after developing minor health "complications", said Shripad Naik, Member of Parliament (MP) from North Goa. Parrikar was undergoing treatment at the Lilavati hospital in Mumbai.

    Goa Assembly speaker Pramod Sawant confirmed the news about the Goa Chief Minister flying to US for health treatment. North Goa MP Shripad Naik said that there is "nothing major" and that the doctors at the Lilavati hospital recommended him to fly to US for further treatment. See the tweet below:

    The Goa chief minister had undergone treatment in the US for three months earlier this year, reportedly for a pancreatic ailment and had returned in June. Parikkar had gone to the US again this month for a follow-up.

    There is no clarity on who would be holding the charge of the state in Chief Minister Parikkar's absence. Sources told media that CM Parikkar is in US for a short stay.

    Shripad Naik, on the question of who would be taking the charge of the state in the chief minister's absence, said that it is the chief minister's decision to decide and that there is no clarity as to who would be holding the charge on his absence.

    (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 29, 2018 06:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

    Manohar Parrikar Health Update: Goa CM Headed to US Today For Treatment After Advice by Doctors at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital
    Goa CM Manohar Parrikar will fly to US today for treatment | (Photo Credits: PTI)

    Panaji, August 29: Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar will fly to US on Wednesday for further treatment after developing minor health "complications", said Shripad Naik, Member of Parliament (MP) from North Goa. Parrikar was undergoing treatment at the Lilavati hospital in Mumbai.

    Goa Assembly speaker Pramod Sawant confirmed the news about the Goa Chief Minister flying to US for health treatment. North Goa MP Shripad Naik said that there is "nothing major" and that the doctors at the Lilavati hospital recommended him to fly to US for further treatment. See the tweet below:

    The Goa chief minister had undergone treatment in the US for three months earlier this year, reportedly for a pancreatic ailment and had returned in June. Parikkar had gone to the US again this month for a follow-up.

    There is no clarity on who would be holding the charge of the state in Chief Minister Parikkar's absence. Sources told media that CM Parikkar is in US for a short stay.

    Shripad Naik, on the question of who would be taking the charge of the state in the chief minister's absence, said that it is the chief minister's decision to decide and that there is no clarity as to who would be holding the charge on his absence.

    (The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 29, 2018 06:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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    US: Man Into ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Attempts Self-immolation As Donald Trump Trial Was Winding Down First Phase

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