Navratri is like a night out for most. Going out, dressing up and looking pretty. But do you shy away from dancing with your friends to prevent your makeup from melting away? Makeup can make you look like a wax doll melting if it starts to melt away with your sweat. But there are ways you can look as fresh as you did in your bedroom, even at the end of the night. All you need is a few hacks up your sleeves, and you’re ready to look snatches all night. Here are four life-saving hacks that will keep your makeup budge-proof all night long. Makeup Looks for Navratri 2019: Traditional Makeup Ideas That Will Put the Spotlight on You in Every Garba and Dandiya Event.

Get your setting spray and setting powders ready! You’re going to need them for these nine days. Here are four tricks to make your makeup stick on to your face all night. Navratri 2019 Colours List for Nine Days: Complete Colour Chart to Celebrate a Sharad Navratri With Dates and Day-Wise Navdurga Puja.

Ice Cube to Control Sweating

If you’re someone who sweats a lot on your face and end up wiping your makeup away, try ice cubes. Take one ice cube and rub it all over your face before putting on makeup. Use an entire ice cube for best results. This will control your sweating and tighten your pores, giving you a flawless look. For added benefits, add aloe vera gel in water before freezing your ice cubes and rub that all over your skin.

Prime with Eyeshadow Primer

Regular face primers are great for everyday occasions. But if eyeshadow primers can keep your eyelids oil-free and fresh-looking all day, imagine the wonders it can do for your face. Prime with your regular mattifying primer and top the problem areas with an eyeshadow primer. This will keep oil from seeping out of your skin and keep you looking clean.

Setting Spray and Foundation Concoction

We all use setting sprays at the end of our makeup routine to lock it all in place. But to really make your makeup stay on like gorilla glue, dot your foundation on your face and spray some setting spray onto your skin. Now blend the foundation and setting spray together. This will give you a natural and undetectable base and also make your makeup last longer. Don’t forget to spritz your face again after you’re done with your makeup.

Bake the Cake

You might not have super oily skin, but baking makes makeup last longer than you can ever imagine. Bake your face, not just your under-eye region. If your skin starts to feel dry or tight, spray setting spray to retain the natural look.

If you have more tips and tricks that can make your makeup last longer, share it below. It might just help someone look stunning all night long.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 24, 2019 04:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website