We just celebrated Father's day and now it is time for National Father-in-Law Day! Celebrated every year on July 30 the day is dedicated to the father you meet later in life. If there is one special thing we get out of weddings, it has to be families. Many of us are blessed with not one but two families and fathers-in-law make for this special father figure we meet way in our adulthood. Well, since we are amid the coronavirus pandemic, you might not be able to meet your dad on this day or celebrate with him by being physically present. So this National Father-In-Law Day celebrate your spouse's father virtually! Fathers play a truly unique role in our life and your spouse's father only make your journey more fun and interesting. There are plenty of ways to celebrate your Dad-in-Law to let him know that you care virtually. Here are some fun ideas:

Virtual Party: Bring all the loved ones together like you normally would for a party, except this time it will be on a video call. You can even send across digital invitation and order food for everyone.

Digital Wish: Special services online offer you creative digital wishes you can purchase for your father-in-law. It can be a video message or maybe a song.

Book Him Some Entertainment: These days you can easily book a musician, comedian or any form of entertainer online as your convenience. Find out what your father-in-law likes and book for him an hour full of his favourite entertainment.

Digital Gift Cards: If you are really not able to figure out what to buy for your father-in-law, simply shop for a digital gift card that will allow him to buy anything he likes for a specific amount!

The bottom line is to make him feel that you love him. The idea is to show that you think about him and despite the pandemic, you won't let any stone unturned in making him feel special.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 29, 2020 04:52 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).