Rakshabandhan 2020 is just around the corner. The festival that celebrates the love between siblings, also marks an important day to seek good luck and blessings to bring in harmony in life. Traditionally, on this day, sisters tie a holy thread on their brother's wrist and wish their brothers longevity, happiness and prosperity. This also forms a promise that brothers will protect their sisters and vice versa. This year the holy festival of siblings will be celebrated on August 3, 2020. This time the festival Raksha Bandhan falls on a very special muhurat. It is said we will be able to witness such a muhurta after 29 years. Raksha Bandhan 2020 Latest Mehendi Designs: Easy Arabic, Indian & Vine Mehndi Patterns for Front & Back Hand! Check out Mehandi Images & Tutorial Videos.

This time Rakshabandhan will be celebrated on the last Monday of Sawan and this time is very special, you can seek blessings for a harmonious life.  There are a few things you can do to make the festival extremely auspicious. Here are a few rituals you can follow to make this day even more special, bring in good luck and harmony.

Raksha Bandhan Mantra

While tying rakhi, raksha sutra aka the holy string sisters can recite a very auspicious mantra that is is considered very holy. The description of this Raksha Sutra mantra has also been mentioned in the Mahabharata. Here's the mantra: "ॐ येन बद्धो बली राजा दानवेन्द्रो महाबल:। तेन त्वामपि बध्नामि रक्षे मा चल मा चल।।"


Apply Mehendi on the backside of your hand to seek blessings. Superstitions have it that applying Mehendi on the backside of the hand is known to elongate brother's life.

Raksha Bandhan Holy Plate

Place roli, kumkum, akshat, yellow mustard seeds, lamp and rakhi in this plate. Don't miss out on any item. You can also keep curd to apply kumkum.


Applying tilak on the forehead of the brother is considered extremely lucky.

Tie Rakhi in Right Hand

Tie the Rakhi in his right hand and after tying the Rakhi, don't forget the aarti and sweets.


Gift or money is considered Shagun on this day which brings in good luck too. After tying a rakhi, brothers must gift something to their sisters according to their will and ability.

This time due to Coronavirus, many siblings will not meet on Rakshabandhan festival. Brothers and sisters can celebrate this festival virtually if they live separately. Sisters can place a picture of Lord Krishna while on a video call with the brother and tie rakhi to the lord. It will be considered that you tied rakhi to your brother.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 27, 2020 09:55 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).