Vat Purnima Vrat also known as Vat Savitri is celebrated by married Hindu women. They observe the day for the well being and the long lives of their husbands. On Vat Purnima, they wake up early, take bath and offer prayers to Goddess Savitri. Women apply Mehendi or henna on hands ahead of the festival as it is considered auspicious. They apply Mehendi in varying designs and patterns on this day. As Vat Purnima 2020 approaches, we bring to you latest Mehendi pictures and DIY designs which you can easily apply at home. These patterns are easy and simple and will surely make your plans look beautiful. Vat Savitri Vrat 2020 Mehndi Design Images: New Arabic Henna Patterns and Latest Indian Mehandi Styles to Apply on Hands Easily at Home (Watch Videos)

According to legend great Savitri tricked Lord Yama, the lord of death, and compelled him to return the life of her husband Satyawan. Hence married women pray to Savitri and observe Vat Savitri Vrat for the well-being of their husbands. The day is celebrated with varying ceremonies in different parts of India. Women in North India celebrated the day earlier this month as they follow Purnimanta calendar. While for the rest of the country that follows Amanta calendar, they observe Vat Purnima Vrat during Jyeshtha Purnima on June 5. As the day approaches, for women who are looking for mehendi designs, then we have got you covered.

DIY Mehendi Design:

Easy Mehandi Design:

Simple Mehendi Pattern:

Beautiful Mehendi Design:

Quick Henna Pattern:

Try these beautiful designs at home and make the auspicious day a special one. Banyan tree holds special importance on the day, as according to Hindu scriptures. Women perform puja under the tree and tie a sacred thread around it. Doing this is believed to fulfil the wishes of devotees.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 30, 2020 09:03 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website