World Environment Day is also known as Eco Day, which has been observed across the sphere to raise and promote the idea of protection and conservation of nature. The global celebration is marked in June. The occasion aims to inform people about the problems facing our environments, such as different kinds of pollution, illegal wildlife trade, increased usage of plastic, sustainable consumption, and sea-level increase. World Environment Day 2022 will be celebrated on Sunday, the 5th of June. We must know the importance of our natural resources and why we should take the initiative from our ends to preserve them. Let's take a pledge to shift from harming the planet to healing it for the sake of our future generation. To mark the event, we have got you covered with this year's theme for World Environment Day and the history and objectives of the celebration. Beautiful Photos of Nature That Puts On Display Unique Biodiversity Around Us.

World Environment Day 2022 Theme And Slogan

The theme of World Environment Day 2022 is 'Only One Earth'. The theme will work to promote worldwide activism to safeguard our planet with the focus on "Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature". Quotes To Inspire Us All To Stop Harming Nature And Instead Preserve It For Future Generations.

World Environment Day 2022 History And Significance

This year the Government of Sweden will host the World Environment Day 2022 programme special activities in partnership with the UN Environment Programme (UNRP). The day was first held in 1973 and was established by UN General Assembly on the first day of the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment. The conference was held in Stockholm, Sweden, from June 5- 6, 1972. Since then, every year, the global occasion has been observed with iconic themes forum for businesses, non-government organizations, celebrities and distinct communities to advocate environmental causes.

Watch: #OnlyOneEarth Campaign 

World Environment Day 2022 Objective And Celebration

Every year, environmentalists to the general public mark the awareness campaign by cleaning up local public places and beaches, planting trees, joining online protests, and planning and organizing community meetings to process different methods of saving natural resources. The main idea is to bring transformative changes in our policies and choices toward cleaner and greener lifestyles. Popular faces and now social media influencers worldwide all encourage people to do their part and save the world in their unique way. The fundamental concept is to encourage everyone, everywhere, to live sustainably and take action on the climate crisis.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 02, 2022 11:20 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website