Talk of whiskey in America and you'll get a Bourbon. The type of whiskey distilled from the mash of corn is the most popular alcohol here. And there's a day that celebrates the drink, the National Bourbon Day which is marked today. This day is a fun observance marked annually on June 14 and just aims to indulge in good sips of bourbon whisky. Now does anyone need a day for that? But how much do you know about this drink? On National Bourbon Day 2020, we share with you some interesting facts about this alcoholic drink which you probably may not be aware of. Say Cheers With These Funny Drinking Memes and Jokes That Will Lift Up Your 'Spirits'.

  • The whisky gets its name from the French royalty, the House of Bourbon. Back in 1780s, Thomas Jefferson offered farmers 60 acres of prime Kentucky real estate to grow “crops of native origin”. The area was called Bourbon County in honour of the French contribution to the American Revolutionary War.
  • In 1964, Bourbon was declared as America's Native Spirit by Congress.
  • There are certain mandates by the government to classify a whiskey as bourbon. It must be made from at least 51% corn and aged in oak barrels.
  • 95% of the bourbon is made in Kentucky. There are more barrels than people in this region! There are two battels for every person living in Kentucky.
  • Barrels used for distillation once cannot be reused after the ageing process. The barrels are charred to get the caramelised sugar.
  • The seasonal change affects the flavour of the whiskey. The layers on the barrel's interior have a role to play.
  • About 4% of bourbon in a barrel is lost every year because of evaporation. It is called "Angel's Share" gone to satiate the divine drinkers.
  • Trying distillation of Bourbon whiskey at home is illegal.

How many of the above facts did you know? Do share them with your drink buddies as you share the cheers on National Bourbon Day!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 14, 2020 09:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website