While fever may now bring in the panic and stress of COVID-19, sometimes it may be due to an allergic reaction. But it is a sign of infection in the body for sure. That said, a fever is a sign of an infection in your body. While a fever may not always signal the deadly contagion, it may also be due to seasonal fluctuations in temperatures or any other bacteria or virus. While it is best to consult a doctor, sometimes fever is a result of a minor infection in your body which you can deal with yourself. Here's how to care for yourself at home when you have a fever.

Drink Lots of Water

Fever can sometimes lead to loss of fluid and dehydration through sweat. Drink a lot of water to make up for the lost fluids. You can also add juices and broths to your diet to replenish your fluid loss. Can You Tell If You Have Fever by Touching Your Forehead? Here's How to Check Your Body Temperature Without Using a Thermometer.

Get Proper Rest

It would help if you rested well when you have a fever to recover faster. Fever can sap your energy, so proper rest can help you counter the tiredness and fatigue. Plus, any physical activity may increase your body temperature, so rest is a must! National Dengue Day 2020: Are You Sick Because of COVID-19 or Is It Dengue Fever? Here's How to Distinguish Between the Symptoms of The Diseases!

Stay Cool

You may have the misconception that you need to keep yourself warm if you have a fever, but the opposite is true. The right thing to do is to wear light and breathable fabrics, keep the room temperature cool and sleep with a sheet over you. Apply a cold pack on your forehead, soles and palms can provide quick relief if the fever goes up. A cold environment will keep your temperature down.

When to Visit a Doctor?

If your fever does not go after taking these measures or if it is recurring, you must visit a doctor. Remember, fever over 101 degrees need medical attention. In addition to increased body temperature, if you have any other symptoms like body ache, headache, diarrhoea, sore throat and cold, you must consult a doctor. It may be something serious as COVID-19.

How is Fever Treated?

Usually, doctors treat a fever with over-the-counter medications like Ibuprofen and paracetamol, along with a vitamin supplement. They also advice proper rest and a balanced diet along with these drugs. What Is Normal Body Temperature: How to Know If You Have a Fever and Other FAQs.

However, take the medication only if prescribed by a doctor as most drugs come with side effects. Also, be sure to monitor your temperature at regular intervals for proper diagnosis.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 26, 2020 12:48 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).