An Arizona man who is desperately looking for his dog has offered to give a one-bedroom home to the person who finds his missing animal. Eddie Collins of Tucson lost his two-year-old chihuahua, Jenny in April. Since that day, there has not been a single day he has not looked for his beloved pet. The dog went missing at the Circle K on Ina Rd. and Silverbell Rd and Eddie's life has not been the same.

KVOA quoted Eddie as saying, "I have looked everywhere. I go to the dog pound every day. I go to the humane society. I need your help Tucson. I appreciate if you'd get her back to me." He had earlier offered a cash reward, but that did not help. After all, plans have been foiled, he is now ready to offer the person who locates his pup his house in Benson. Missing Dog in Arizona Finds 20 Strangers Volunteering to Send Him Home During One Year Exile.

Eddie said, "I'm offering a piece of property with a one-bedroom home. I'm willing to give the land, the trailer, the workshop, all of it free and clear, no questions asked. I just want to have Jenny back." He hopes that the lucrative offer helps him find the dog. Pet Dog Adopted by Police Station in MP After its Owners Get Arrested in Murder Case.

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He added, "Life matters no matter what is it, whether it be a chipmunk or a squirrel. It depends on the owner, the person and what they care for. For me, it's not about material things, it's about her." Eddie further said, "She's a loved one. She's part of my family." Eddie announced the reward on Friday and the dog has not been found yet. We hope Eddie finds his

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 03, 2019 08:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website