We just celebrated Thanksgiving 2019, by officially marking the holiday season of this year. So how did it go? Was the stuffing in your turkey sufficient enough? How many slices of pumpkin pies did you eat? Are you still burping up that green beans from Thanksgiving dinner? Are you wondering why every question is related to food? Well, let us admit, Thanksgiving dinner is a big deal and there is way too much to talk about it. There is a reason the holiday episodes of so many TV shows feature a turkey storyline. It is a mess to make a perfect meal. But tradition is a tradition, and thus mishaps occur! And it is okay. That is what Twitterati is currently discussing for the Thanksgiving 2019 aftermath. Netizens are sharing hilarious pictures of failed Thanksgiving recipes, but as a reminder to everyone that no one is perfect. Thanksgiving 2019 Weird Dishes: From Seafoam Salad to Coca-Cola Salad, Americans Share Traditional Family Sides Served at Meals. 

Before the food holiday arrives, you will see the internet is filled with various kind of recipes. It is quite absurd though that Thanksgiving revolves around cooking a large bird in a way that is very easy to mess up. If you are hosting a dinner and not a pro, you are bound to go through various videos and texts that give step-by-step guidance to make the perfect food. But you fail at times, and there is nothing that you should be upset about. If you have overcooked or undercooked the turkey, take comfort knowing that you are not alone and others have screwed up in far ways. And it is okay! That is what the current debate on Twitter suggests.

So many tweets accompanied by images of failed recipes are surfacing online. Whether it is your fault, your cousin’s or the pet, there is a good chance that not everything would turn out the way you intended to. And you are not alone! Here are so many images of failed Thanksgiving recipes that will stick to your memory hilariously for a few more years at least.

Here Are the Pics of Failed Thanksgiving Recipes:

But it Looks Delicious from the Inside:


Laughing Out Loud!

Uh Oh!

Poor Pooch!

Burnt Biscuits!

Thanksgiving preparation and outcome does not go smoothly. Instead of being upset about it, cherish this year’s moments and learn from it so that the same failure does not happen again. Maybe you mess up with some other recipe next time! Holidays are everything apart from a perfectly cooked meal. Count on the numbers you laughed and failed, just like Twitterati and gear up as you have Christmas and New Year to host next.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 29, 2019 01:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).