Today, May 31 marks the celebration of World No Tobacco Day. As the name suggests, this day aims to spread awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco on the health of an individual. The World Health Organization (WHO) has started this observance since the year 1987 to draw global attention to the many health problems and diseases caused by chewing tobacco. On this day, netizens have come forward in sharing interesting messages and anti-tobacco quotes urging everyone to kick off the bad habit. #WorldNoTobacco day is trending on Twitter with #QuitSmoking and #NoSmoking images and quotes. World No-Tobacco Day 2020: Motivating Anti-Tobacco Quotes and Slogans That Will You Help You Kick The Butt.

As per the estimates of WHO, almost 8 million people die every year because of the use of tobacco. It can cause harmful lung diseases, respiratory disorders, cancers of some kind, TB among other health problems. This day started as a campaign to motivate people to prevent smoking or chewing tobacco for 24 hours. It is a day to help those who are trying but cannot completely quit the habit. This year's theme of World No Tobacco Day is "Protecting youth from industry manipulation and preventing them from tobacco and nicotine use." People are also sharing their bit by posting creative images to give out the message of quit smoking or no smoking.

Check out Some Tweets on World No Tobacco Day:

Hits Hard?

Stop Smoking

Tobacco Causes Cancer

Creatively Giving an Important Message

Don't Let Your be Body Dependent on Chemicals

Quit Smoking

There are many such photos and quotes trending online all wanting to give out an important message to kick the butt. Some of them are too powerful and hard-hitting. You too could share these images and messages if you have friends who smoke. Be polite in asking them to quit, tell them how it is harmful for their own health.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 31, 2020 09:11 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website