Bhopal, May 10: In a deeply disturbing incident in Chhola locality of Madhya Pradesh’s Bhopal, a man, recently released from jail on bail in a rape case, has been accused of raping the same woman again at her home as his brother stood guard outside. The accused had earlier raped the woman at her home in 2023. The police registered a case against the accused on Tuesday.

According to a report in TOI, the survivor, a 34-year-old woman who resides with her two children and works in a private company, met the accused at her workplace. She alleges that the accused lured her into a friendship and raped her at her home in September 2023. He repeatedly assaulted her under the false promise of marriage, before abruptly disappearing. Chhattisgarh Horror: Boy Rapes Three-Year-Old Girl After Locking Himself in Toilet With Her, Toddler Dies After Sex Assault.

The woman discovered that the accused was already married and reported the matter to the Chhola police on April 19. The police arrested the accused, who was then produced before the court and sent to jail. Ghaziabad Horror: Father Allegedly Rapes Daughter for Five Years, Gets Her Hair Cut and Aborts Her First Pregnancy After She Gets Pregnant; Arrested (Watch Video).

However, upon his release on bail, the accused allegedly went to the complainant’s home late at night on May 1, accompanied by his brother. He is said to have threatened the woman and demanded that she withdraw the rape complaint against him. He then allegedly raped her while his brother stood guard outside. The woman later reported the incident to the police.

The police are investigating the matter further.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 10, 2024 08:43 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website