22 year old businessman Jorden Peterson is paving the way for digital entrepreneurs, bringing not only financial literacy but a new way of thinking to a society conditioned by tradition. Jorden has turned countless adversities into advantages; adapting, adjusting and acclimating to new situations, and creating new plans...but his end goal remained the same - show the masses that the societal norm of a 9-5 employment is not the only way to achieve abundance. Here’s how!

Born and raised in Detroit Michigan, Jorden always understood that the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle and working for someone else was not for him.

“I’ve never had a job in my life, it was never something that I really wanted growing up. Seeing my parents and the time constraints they were under, my dad being a high school coach, my mom being a UAW Ford representative made me realize that I wanted to do more for not only myself but for them. At the age of six, I told my mom that I never wanted to work a job,” says Jorden.

Jorden attended Eastern Michigan University where he played basketball and studied sports performance and entrepreneurship. However, in his last year of college Jorden decided to discontinue his studies in pursuit of real life experience in the entrepreneurial world that the classroom couldn’t provide.

Jorden was introduced to network marketing and trading in the financial markets in February of 2019 while he was still in college. Ironically, two days before he learned of this new business concept, he tore his ACL while playing basketball. Devastated by his inability to continue to play sports for at least a year, Jorden feels that a new entrepreneurial opportunity presenting itself to him merely two days later was truly God’s way of showing him a different path than what he had planned - it was up to him to seize it. Jorden did just that, and to date, has created his own organization called Ez Money Investments LLC within Tradehouse.

When discussing the objective behind Ez Money Investments LLC, Jorden says:

“We help people become digital entrepreneurs, through network marketing and trading in the financial and crypto markets. The concept of the business is to educate, empower and enrich customers all over the world, teaching them how to not only invest, but just a different way of thinking. Growing up, we weren't really taught financial literacy. We were taught society's norms, to go to school, get good grades, go to college, and work for the rest of your life. But for people like myself, that's not the future I want. Entrepreneurship is not necessarily the most accepted choice, it's not really smiled upon, probably because of the amount of hard work and dedication it takes, most people aren’t willing to put in. But I was willing to do it because I know what the outcome will be with a few years of consistency.”

In the digital age, adaptability and a willingness to learn new income-generating skill sets is crucial to thriving in an online world. In a society where a large portion of our day is spent on our smart phone, Jorden believes that utilizing it as a tool to earn money is extremely beneficial especially for this new and changing generation of entrepreneurship.

When discussing how he’s been able to help the masses earn an income from their electronic devices, Jorden says:

“Through Ez Money Investments LLC, we’re showing people a way to actually make additional sources of income from the power of their phones. Especially with my generation and millennials, a lot of us are on our phones, ten, twelve hours throughout the day, and growing up that was kind of detrimental because in school, students may be on their phones not really paying attention, because they may not enjoy or see the value in in what they're learning, so their phone is kind of an escape. So I’m giving people an alternative because if you ask 10 people on the street if they like their job there is a very high percent chance that eight of those people are going to say, no. So this is just giving people that alternative route to say, maybe you don't have to go the traditional way, but you can still make ends meet and make ends meet very well within this opportunity.”

Through his entrepreneurial journey, Jorden is no stranger to adversity having experienced trials in both his personal life and his business. Jorden has not only overcome but grown with an even stronger and more resilient mindset intact. Sustaining an injury that prevented him from continuing to play basketball, the sport that he knew and loved and played consistently 7 days a week was a terrifying experience, but he was able to adapt to his changing circumstances and come out on top in a completely different field.

Jorden’s unwillingness to quit and persistence in the face of difficulties, finding new avenues to achieve his goals is reflected in the growth of his business. After a huge loss of his team in 2019, Jorden took time for inner reflection asking himself tough questions to really understand how he can make better and more lasting relationships with his business partners to get his organization back on an upward trajectory. Jorden changed the dynamics of his team creating a family like culture where individuals always feel connected to Jorden through his mentorship, and he was able to build his team back to exceed its previous numbers in a matter of 4 months.

As Ez Money Investments LLC grows Jorden is undoubtedly a powerhouse to look out for as he continues to take the business world by storm. In closing Jorden shares the importance of a moldable mindset which was his own biggest asset in creating the entrepreneurial empire he has today:

“This opportunity helps people not only grow their bank accounts but their mindsets. Once people are willing to change and are open-minded to new possibilities they start to see past what we’ve been trained to believe by society. Helping people shape and ultimately free their minds is what’s most rewarding for me in this business, because once people allow themselves to change and grow, they become unstoppable.”