Rangers are most often refer to the park ranger of a forest ranger, a person who in charge of protecting and preserving parklands. There are thousands of reserves, parks and protected areas around the world. Park rangers remain on the frontline in the fight to protect our natural heritage. World Ranger Day is annually observed to support the vital work of the rangers. From environmental campaigning to education, their roles in preserving the parks and forests are significant. The day is also marked as an opportunity to pay tribute to rangers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. In this article, we bring you World Ranger Day 2020 date, history and significance to honour the rangers in the wildlife.

World Ranger Day 2020 Date:

World Ranger Day is annually celebrated on July 31. The reason behind the chosen date is not known; however, the first World Ranger Day was observed in 2007, and ever since then, the day is observed on July 31, every year.

World Ranger Day History and Significance

World Ranger Day was founded by member associations of the International Ranger Federation (IRF). The first Ranger Day was observed back in 2007, as a celebration of the 15th anniversary of the founding of IRF. World Ranger was founded when the Association of National Park Rangers in US, Scottish Countryside Rangers Association and Countryside Management Association, which represents rangers in Wales and England got together and signed a joint agreement. The agreement was to raise support and awareness of the critical work that rangers around the world do and conserves natural and cultural heritage. Rhino Poachers Killed After Crashing into a Goat While Fleeing From Park Rangers in Zimbabwe. 

World Ranger Day is a great opportunity for us to learn about all the incredible work that Rangers do and the dangers they put themselves on a daily basis. Raise awareness as much as possible about the works that Rangers do.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 29, 2020 07:00 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).