Boy Photobombs His Parents' Proposal in The Funniest Way by Peeing in The Background!

While Kevin and Allyssa were in the moment, it took them about 30 seconds to realise the puddle created by their child behind them.

Boy peed while his parents shared a romantic moment (Photo credits: YouTube screenshot)

You all might agree that photobombing someone is so much fun. While a moment is being captured, making an unwanted presence felt in the frame is good fun. But a small boy Owen did quite an unusual presence by peeing while his father was proposing to his mother for marriage. It happened at the Wenonah Park in Bay City, Michigan, where Kevin Przytula went on one knee to propose to Owen’s mum Allyssa Anter. The couple is currently potty training the toddler, but he sure needs more training.

Speaking to Michigan Live, Allyssa said: "He stole the show, for sure. He pees outside at home sometimes in the yard and we went and got ice cream the other day and he did it in the parking lot there. He just does it without telling anybody, he just pulls his pants down and goes." The couple's embrace and the romantic proposal was down the waters, or rather pee!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 15, 2018 06:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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