Instagram Model Shows Off Weight Gain Pic After Putting on 22 Pounds: ‘I Feel Much Better About Myself’

After going from 54 kgs to 64 kgs, Karina admits to feeling much better about herself.

Bikini model (Photo Credits: Instagram| Karina Irby)

Instagram is full of weight loss success stories of people who love to show off their wonderful transformation. But Australian model Karina Irby did the complete opposite when she posted pictures of her weight GAIN transformation. The 29-year-old has been praised on the internet after she claimed to have gained 22 pounds, and she’s never felt better. She showed off pictures that showed how she looked before and after the weight gain.

The model wrote how she welcomed having “boobs, but, hip and thighs” after being slim-framed for so long. She says: “This morning Facebook notified me of a memory from 9 years ago. I was so shocked to see how tiny I used to be when I was a teenager!” Australian Instagram Model Accused of Swimming in 'Sacred' Natural Springs in New Zealand, Rubbishes Claim (See Pictures).

Karina described how she became insecure and self-conscious when her body started changing with age. She felt the pressure to keep her teenage willowy frame intact. “…but not only was it unhealthy, it just wasn’t in the cards for me,” she wrote.

Here's Her Post:

After going from 54 kgs to 64 kgs, Karina admits to feeling much better about herself. She even spoke about feeling self-conscious about her eczema patches on her leg. But these days, she sees her skin conditions as some sort of superpower.

In her Instagram posts, the model puts up images without airbrushing them. She proudly shows off her cellulite and stretch marks on her skin. Her confession and complete honesty have resonated well with scores of people online who struggle with body image issues. Big-Boobs Instagram Model, Pamela Odame Watara Claims Influential People Ready to Pay $1000 to Touch Her Huge Breasts; Check Out Hot Videos.

Check Out Her Post:

She wrote, “What I’m trying to say is stop being so hard on yourself. You’re body is beautiful and it’s keeping you alive! Worship the heck out of it! I wish I did sooner.”

But a good number of trolls have also criticised her for her looks and her body in the comment section. One troll said: “Your thighs and ass look revolting.”

Another added: "Woman, you have a heart problem if you're telling people to worship their bodies. Your body, or anyone else's, isn't worthy of worship. There's only one person worthy of our worship and His name is Jesus."

According to Yahoo, she also hit back on a few of those trolls who were leaving mean-spirited comments on her post.

She told the publication: “I guarantee that if they met me (us) face-to-face they would never have the guts to say these things,” she says.

In the age where more and more people are desperate to shed pounds, it’s a welcome change to see a social media influencer with a million followers who’s taking an off-beat stance.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 21, 2019 05:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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