Mom and Son Jump Inside Alligator Enclosure to Get Wallet Dropped in Pit At North Safari Zoo, Watch Shocking Video!

The incident took place at Brainerd zoo at the Safari North Wildlife Park over the weekend. Thankfully, the wallet was retrieved safely and the alligators did not cause any harm to the mother or the child. The zoo said this was the first time in 7 years they dealt with such a situation but the woman apologised later on.

Mom and son jump in alligator enclosure (Photo Credits: Video Grab)

A woman visiting a zoo with her son did the unthinkable when her wallet got dropped in an alligator enclosure. Instead of calling the concerned authorities for help, she jumped inside the enclosure along with her son! The incident took place at Brainerd zoo at the Safari North Wildlife Park over the weekend. Thankfully, the wallet was retrieved safely and the alligators did not cause any harm to the mother or the child. The zoo said this was the first time in 7 years they dealt with such a situation but the woman apologised later on. Woman Enters Lion Enclosure and Teases The Wild Animal at New York's Bronx Zoo, Shocking Video Goes Viral.

It is not exactly clear how or who dropped the wallet but the videos recorded shows her blaming the son for it. Meanwhile, the son is warning her mother to steer away from the gators, who look like they might come out. But she uses sticks and stones to distract them away into the pit so she could go and collect her wallet! The entire thing is on video and shared on Facebook. The mother is quite furious by the end of it and is seen shouting on her son. Drunk Man Climbs Over Fence to Ride on Giraffe's Neck in Kazakhstan Zoo, Bizarre Video Goes Viral.

Watch The Videos Here:

So dangerous! The child really looks scared. People on social media were obviously not impressed with her stunt in there. The zoo released a statement following the incident. It read, "We are thankful no person or animal was hurt. We have clear postings and fencing to keep guests out of animal areas and have never dealt with a situation like this since opening our park seven years ago. The woman has since apologized." Recently, an alligator crashing on a kayaker in North Carolina had also scared the internet. Thankfully, the alligators here did not get provoked when she threw stones at them or it would be a dangerous situation.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 22, 2020 12:19 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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