Happy World Creativity and Innovation Day 2020! Well, were you aware of such an observance that is being marked today? Every year on April 21, the United Nations observes the World Creativity and Innovation Day to raise awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in all aspects of human development. Creativity and innovation both concepts can get so subjective if you look at them in much detail. But both these aspects are really necessary for not just one's personal growth but also on the group or national level. And the aspects of creativity have been described wonderfully in some words and quotes. So on this World Creativity and Innovation Day 2020, we bring you some beautiful sayings on innovation which show that there has not to be a limit on one's creativity.
Creative ideas make life so much more interesting. It is the way you see at a particular thing differently, the way you innovate your thought process. This day is often marked by discussing new ideas for a brighter future. Schools, colleges, businesses have events for a week-long for this observance. As this time, a lot of us are within our homes because of the coronavirus lockdown, you can share interesting quotes and images on social media that highlight the importance of being creative or innovative. Quotes on Art to Create Awareness on the Beauty of Creative Art Forms.

Quote Reads: “The Only Way to Discover the Limits of the Possible Is to Go Beyond Them Into the Impossible.” –Arthur C. Clarke
Quote Reads: “Creativity Is Knowing How to Hide Your Sources.” ― C.E.M. Joad

Quote Reads: “Innovation Is Serendipity, so You Don’t Know What People Will Make.” – Tim Berners-Lee

Quote Reads: “The Creative Adult Is the Child Who Survived.” – Ursula Leguin

Quote Reads: “What Is Now Proved Was Once Only Imagined.” –William Blake

Quote Reads: “Great Minds Discuss Ideas. Average Minds Discuss Events. Small Minds Discuss People.” ― Henry Thomas Buckle

Quote Reads: “Creativity Takes Courage.” ― Henri Matisse

Quote Reads: “Creativity Doesn’t Wait for That Perfect Moment. It Fashions Its Own Perfect Moments Out of Ordinary Ones.” – Bruce Garrabrandt

Quote Reads: “Creativity Is Just Connecting Things.” – Steve Jobs

Quote Reads: “Anything’s Possible if You’ve Got Enough Nerve.” –J.K. Rowling

Quote Reads: “If You Want Something New, You Have to Stop Doing Something Old.” –Peter F. Drucker
These are some of the quotes and sayings by great thinkers who highlight the importance of being creative, the idea of inquisitiveness and how to innovate. You can share these beautiful sayings on your social media platforms and raise awareness about being creative and innovative both. Share these ideas and fuel someone else's imagination too. Discuss how you can get creative in quarantine and you can utilise the day well.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 21, 2020 07:30 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).