Washington, November 7: Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden was declared the winner of US Presidential elections 2020 by major US media networks. He was first announced as the next President of the United States by CNN and Associated Press, after both the media groups declared his victory in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania. Subsequently, the NYT and Republican-leaning Fox News also declared him as the 46th President-elect.

News agency AP, which holds the distinction of calling the most accurate poll results, declared Biden the winner from Pennsylvania after he received 33,45,906 votes (49.7%). President Donald Trump was trailing in the key swing state with 33,11,448 (49.2%) votes. The state accounts for 20 electoral college votes. Joe Biden and Jill Biden: All You Need to Know About The Ex-Vice President and Former Second Lady.

Biden, till early Saturday, had secured 264 electoral college votes, whereas, Trump was trailing at 214. A victory in any of the remaining swing states would had sealed the former's victory. The win in Pennsylvania would, however, make his triumph more historic as the state was the home province of the Scranton-born Democratic leader.

CNN Declares The Presidential Poll Results

While the vote count has confirmed that Biden would be elected as the next President, Donald Trump is yet to concede defeat. In a tweet shortly before the Pennsylvania results were declared, Trump said he has won by a huge margin, if the actual votes are only counted.

The President has further announced his intent to move the Supreme Court to challenge the election results. His campaign team wants the apex judicial council to order the rejection of mail-in ballots that were received via post at the polling stations after the voting hours ended.

Even as the US braces for a high-stake legal battle, the results for now show Biden as the President-elect. The 77-year-old, whose tenure in public life stretches for 44 years, served as a Senator for 36 years from Delaware. In 2008, he was elected as the Vice President -- a post he continued to hold till 2016 when Barack Obama demitted Office.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 07, 2020 10:07 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).