To all the people investing and trading in the stock market, Tejas Parekh (Entrepreneur + Athlete) has developed several technical indicators that will help people earn more without having a degree in finance or working on Wall Street. Tejas Parekh is an entrepreneur based out of New York City and he’s also had a TEDx Talk where he speaks about the importance of the parasympathetic nervous system - he’s now running a successful online business that goes by the name of Awake Global Capital.

Why? Well well when most people look at a market chart they have no idea what to do and where the market is going. They think that they’ll have to predict the future to earn more and they see it as very risky. While risk is apparent, Tejas Parekh has several technical indicators on his website that can help people make their trading decisions with ease. Not only that, but he also has a mastermind where he teaches people A-Z on how to invest and trade in the markets whether people want to day trade, swing trade, scalp or hold long term positions.

In a detailed interview, Tejas Parekh has answered what his website does, how he’s helping people and much more. Read the detailed Interview of Tejas below:

Tell us in detail about Awake Global Capital?

Awake Global Capital is an online educational service that helps people understand, invest and trade in the markets (stocks, options, foreign exchange, cryptocurrency, indices and futures). We've simplified the trading and investing process because we've developed and enhanced a few indicators and pre-existing educators that tell investors and trades exactly when to enter and exit a position.

Now traders and investors can trade from their phone regardless of where they are. If they have a WiFi connection they’ll receive a notification from the indicator telling them to buy or sell. All the trader or investor has to do is use risk management and keep an eye on their phone.

Through our platform on, everything can be done over your cell phone or a desktop / laptop computer. We have an educational platform where you can learn more about the markets and how to invest and our technical indicators can send alerts directly to your cell phone so you can make buy and sell trades in the markets.

We also have a mastermind where we have live video calls to make sure that our students understand what they’re learning. Our mastermind is designed to help transform regular people with no knowledge of the markets into experts who know how to invest and trade their money the right way so they can earn more.

What's your aim with Awake Global Capital? How do you think it will help people in terms of understanding stock, trade and more?

My aim with Awake Global Capital is to financially empower as many people as possible. It's a proven demographic fact that neighborhoods with higher incomes usually have lower crime rates - so if we can help in the process of lowering crime rates that would be great.

The market is a real thing and anyone can invest and trade, it's just that not everybody knows how to invest and trade. The moment someone sees or looks at a chart they usually get confused and have no idea how investors or traders "predict the future" - this is where we come in. We want to remove the fear of investing and trading and we want to teach people exactly how to trade and invest.

Sure, risk is involved and that’s why we recommend our students to not put all of their eggs in one basket, to use risk management and to trade with caution - but we’re there for them and we want to see them win.

You've had a TEDx Talk too. Tell us how was the experience?

Yes, I had a TEDx Talk where I spoke about the parasympathetic nervous system and breathing techniques are effective against anxiety, fear and even insomnia. I even speak about the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for memory, attention, decision making and reasoning and how to strengthen it.

What keeps you motivated in doing your best?

My values keep me motivated. I want to see my family and friends do well in life. I also like to think about the future and I want to make sure that I'm in a secure position when I get older.

Another thing that motivates me is that years ago I would come home from work and lay in bed and the majority of my thoughts were consumed by financial burden. I found myself living to pay the bills, looking at the cheapest thing on the menu and not being able to travel with my friends or have a good time because I didn't have much money.

I remember going into job interviews and how the interviewer would say I lacked experience, which led me to question “how I can gain work experience if I need work experience”. I know that finding a job you actually like can be tricky, so I searched and searched for ways to live my life - happily - while earning enough to live and cover all of my expenses.

So, ultimately living an amazing life motivates me.