Director and producer Nikhil Advani is in a state of mourning. He has lost his mother Rekha Advani on Saturday. The reason of her demise is currently unknown. Rekha is survived by her son Nikhil, her other son Kunal and daughter Monisha. The final rites were performed in at Banganga, Nepean Sea Road and many of Nikhil's friends and well-wishers had arrived to offer their condolences and support. His former mentor Karan Johar was present along with Abhishek Bachchan, Diana Penty, Manoj Bajpayee, director Sudhir Mishra, T-Series honcho Bhushan Kumar were present for her last rites.

Nikhil Advani's family shared the following message with the media, “With grief and sadness, this is to inform you that Rekha Advani (m/o Monisha, Nikkhil and Kunal) passed away suddenly this evening. Funeral and last rites will be tomorrow, Sunday Apr 8 at Banganga, Nepean Sea Road at 1 pm. We will update details of Marka as soon as we have more information.”

Here are pictures from the event,

Manoj Bajpayee (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)
Sudhir Mishra talking to Manoj Bajpayee (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)
Karan Johar (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)
Diana Penty (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)
Abhishek Bachchan (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)
Bhushan Kumar with Nikhil Advani (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)
Abhishek Bachchan talking to Nikhil Advani (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)

Nikhil Advani is known for directing movies like Kal Ho Naa Ho (his biggest hit), Salaam-e-Ishq, Patiala House, D-Day, Katti Batti and Hero remake.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 08, 2018 06:34 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website