Chennai, December 28: After he was caught driving in an inebriated state in Chennai, a 31-year-old doctor drove away with a police vehicle. The bizarre incident took place at Kilpauk in the wee hours of Monday. The accused doctor, identified as S Muthu Ganesh, was later arrested by the police. Ganesh, who practices medicine at a private hospital in Kundrathur, is a native of Arakkonam in Tamil Nadu's Ranipet district. Chennai Man, Enraged by Son's Live-In Relationship, Burns His Bike and 7 Other Motorcycles.

Cops on night patrolling caught Ganesh for drunken driving at 1:30 am on Harrington road. He was fined and police seized his vehicle. The doctor, who initially left, came back at 3:30 am to Ega signal on Poonamallee high road and asked cops to return the car, according to a TOI report. When cops refused, Ganesh drove away with a police patrol vehicle while the policemen were busy checking other vehicles. Chennai Shocker: Woman Gives Sleeping Pills Inside Dosa to Husband, Strangles Him to Death.

To nab Ganesh, a sub-inspector immediately took a lift from a motorcyclist and chased him down a few kilometres away. The accused doctor was handed over to the Kilpauk police. Later, he was remanded in judicial custody.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 28, 2020 07:31 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website