Daman, August 15: As India steps on to its 72nd year of Independence Day today, like always it is a dry day, which means that alcohol shops and bars will not be allowed to sell liquor. But did you know that you can get alcohol in Daman because it is not a dry day in the city? According to reports, the sale of alcohol usually doubles in Daman during Independence Day and the other dry dates across India.  Daman is spared from the dry day list on Independence Day and Republic Day for the last few years.

The reason why Daman attracts tourists is also for its cheap alcohol, and the reason is Daman & Diu being a Union Territory has its own tax rate for alcohol which is comparatively cheaper than other states. List of Dry Days in Mumbai 2018: Check Complete Calendar with Dates When Alcohol is Not For Sale in The City

Dry days are specific days when alcohols are prohibited from being sold as these days are of religious or national significance. So there will be liquor flowing in bars, and hotels on August 15, and if you plan to have a mini-break with your family, then head to Daman. But expect, a huge swarm of a crowd because people from neighbouring states Mumbai and Gujarat will throng there.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 15, 2018 12:55 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).