Sure things feel a lot scary and uncertain right now, but the more open-hearted and level headed we are, the higher is our chances of survival. Not only do we have to protect our family and community, but also stay healthy. This is why focusing on your immunity has become so important right now. You must already be aware of the many immune-boosting foods, but do you know what supplements you should take to optimise immune health? Taking these immune-supplements along with proper diet and lifestyle will help boost your immunity and fight any disease.


Multivitamins lay the foundation for any healthy functions in your body. It can be an excellent way to make up for the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to complete the day-to-day task. Look for a high-quality, multivitamin and mineral with active forms B vitamins, like methyltetrahydrofolate and methylcobalamin, to support your immunity. How to Protect Your Immune System as You Slowly Head Back to Public Life? Tips to Support Your Body's Natural Immunity.

Vitamin D3

Adequate vitamin D is critical for proper immune function, and this cannot be possible without supplementation with vitamin D. Studies have shown that those with vitamin D deficiency are 11 times more likely to get a cold or flu. It is best to get your vitamin D levels checked for accurate dosing.

Vitamin C

We all know the role of vitamin C in supporting the immune system. You need about 500 to 1,000 mg of the nutrient throughout the day to strengthen the defence mechanism of your body. Home Remedy of the Week: Fennel Tea or Saunf ki Chai For Strong Immune System to Keep Diseases at Bay (Watch Video).


A healthy gut flora provides a significant barrier against pathogens and essential to the immune system. Look for options that offer several species of good bacteria. Lactobacillus plantarum and spore forms of Bacillus are the best to support your immunity.

Fish Oil or Cod Liver Oil

In addition to the good fats, cod liver oil contains vitamins A and D for added immune protection. Take the supplement on days you are not eating fatty fish like sardines and salmon. How to Boost Your Immune System? Practising These Lifestyle Habits will Power Up Your Immunity Without Vitamins and Other Health-Supporting Nurtrients!

Take these supplements and encourage others around you to do the same. Taking these daily, will ensure your immune system is ready, willing, and able.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 22, 2020 12:15 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website