One of the best ways to start your day afresh is to get up early in the morning and practice surya namaskar or sun salutations. It is a twelve yoga pose sequence which needs to be accompanied by rhythmic breathing. Each of the twelve poses has specific benefits for your body. The sequence can improve your blood circulation, boost your cardiovascular health and help your body beat stress. These benefits of surya namaskar will convince you to start the practice today.

1. Help You Detox

Incorporating surya namaskar to your daily yoga practice can bring a positive difference to your life. The active inhalation and exhalation can help your body detox. It will also detoxify your body by getting rid of carbon dioxide and other toxic gases. Yoga Challenge: The Ultimate Surya Namaskar Face Off In Office

2. Improve Digestion

The alternate stretching and compression of the alternate organs help improve your digestion. Performing the sun salutations every morning on an empty stomach can help beat constipation and dyspepsia.

3. Give You Rock-Hard Abs

Want a ripped mid-rib? Try surya namaskar. When you perform the asanas, you also strengthen your abdominal muscles while giving your core an excellent workout. Kareena Kapoor Khan Performs 50 Suryanamaskars After Gym! Here’s How You Can Nail the Yoga Pose at Home (Watch Video)

4. Keep You Youthful

If there is any legit way to look at least five years younger than your age, it is yoga. Performing surya namaskar will improve the blood circulation to your face and prevent the onset of wrinkles, making your skin look ageless.

5. Help You Lose Weight

Surya namaskar is a full-proof way to lose weight. It gives you an excellent cardiovascular workout, and the postures stretch your abdominal muscles, helping you shed pounds around your belly. Do 108 rounds every day, and you will be surprised to see yourself in the mirror after a month.

6. Keep Your Menstrual Cycle Regular

If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, surya namaskar will help keep your cycle regular. Regular practice of surya namaskar can also help in easy childbirth. Mouni Roy Turns Yogini, Performs Suryanamaskar

Here's how to do a sun salutation the right way:

Sun salutations are amazing when done first thing in the morning and when you need a mid-afternoon breather. You can also perform surya namaskar to warm up before a workout or move gently on a res

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