Hello, Spring 2020! Here's to the most beautiful time of the year starting in Northern Hemisphere that will begin on Friday, March 20 and ends on Sunday, June 21. From the time we were kids, Springtime has been described as the queen of all the seasons amongst the four temperate seasons. It follows the winters and precedes summer. The incoming of Spring brings in happiness, new bloom and colour after the gloomy winter. Spring Equinox 2020 Date, The Earliest First Day of Spring in 124 Years; Know Everything About This Vernal March Equinox. 

This fresh season doesn't have one definition. Technically they differ depending on the local climate, weather conditions, cultures, etc. However, astronomically, the definition of spring reads the period between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, which means the Earth's tilt towards the sun describes Spring for different places on Earth.

For those who do not know, equinoxes are special days during the year when day and night are almost equal. There are two equinoxes, one in the spring and one in the fall. The spring, or vernal, the equinox occurs around March 20 in the Northern Hemisphere and around September 22 in the Southern Hemisphere.

Why Is Spring Called Spring?

One of the most interesting questions about Spring season that is always asked is that "why is spring called so?" Well, previously,  Spring was called Lent as per the ancient English. However, after the 14th century, it was called "springing time" because the new bloom seemed like plants "springing" from the ground.  Later in the 15th century, it was called "springtime" which was further shortened in the 16th century to just "spring."

Different cultures celebrate spring differently . For example, in the Persian culture, the first day of the month, also known as Farvardin is also the first day of spring. It starts on 20 or 21 March. However, in other traditions, the equinox is observed in the mid-spring. The traditional Chinese calendar, however, believes that the "spring" season is the period between Lichun ( 3–5 February), taking Chunfen ( 20–22 March) as its midpoint. For them, it then ends at Lixia ( 5–7 May).

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 19, 2020 08:41 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).