Shah Rukh Khan, who is currently gearing up for his next film, King, was spotted dropping jaws at the Mumbai airport in the wee hours of Friday (August 9) morning. In a video shared by a paparazzi handle, the Bollywood superstar is seen stepping out of his car, looking as handsome as ever in an orange hoodie, white tee, and blue jeans. With his hair tied back, SRK left us no choice but to drool over his latest look. His manager, Pooja Dadlani, accompanied him as they jetted off to an undisclosed location. His upcoming film, King, is directed by Sujosh Ghosh and produced by Siddharth Anand under his banner, Marflix Pictures. The movie also features his daughter, Suhana Khan, in key roles. ‘King’: Abhay Verma To Join Shah Rukh Khan and Abhishek Bachchan in Sujoy Ghosh’s Actioner? Here’s What We Know.
Shah Rukh Khan Gets Clicked at the Mumbai Airport
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